General Terms of Use, ESG Commitment and GDPR Privacy Policy & Statement
As at: 1 July 2020 - Revise
For Terms & Conditions applicable to Recruitment Services: Click Here

By submitting your personal information, you consent to the use of your information as set out in our Privacy Policy & Statement below these General Terms


  1. This website has been designed and built by The List (Global) Ltd. By using or accessing any part of this website you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
  2. The List takes reasonable measures to ensure that the information on this site, including that provided by Members, Corporate Members and all advertisers is accurate but makes no representations or warranties as to that accuracy and accepts no liability for the same.
  3. The views, information and advice of advertisers and/or the sponsors of any of the information sheets on this site are not necessarily the views of The List unless specifically endorsed.
  4. The copyright and material on this website is owned by The List and protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. Users are granted permission to copy any such information for their personal use, but they may not republish, transmit, store, reproduce, communicate or make available to the public any such information in any manner.
  5. The List shall not have any liability for any direct or indirect loss, damage, costs, expenses or claims (including but not limited to negligence) or otherwise arising from Membership (of all categories), advertising on this site and out of the misuse of the contents of the information on this site either before, during or after the transfer of such information.
  6. The List is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any of the websites linked to this site and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. We do not endorse any of these sites unless specifically stated. We cannot guarantee these links will work all the time and have no control over the availability of linked pages.
  7. If any of these terms and conditions are illegal, invalid or unenforceable this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions.
  8. The relationship between you and The List is governed by English law and you agree to submit all disputes to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
  9. Registration data and certain other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy.


  1. The List is an individual and personal membership organisation, providing a range of services to members and former members of HM Forces (including the Volunteer Reserves), Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, former Cadets (who have attained the age of 18 years) and members of University Officer Training organisations. Basic Registration of The List is free; networking services provided are only available to paid-up Members. Membership is non-transferrable: usernames and passwords are not to be made available to non-Members neither is a Members account to be operated on their behalf by another individual or third party. Any such sharing will render the Member liable to removal from The List.
  2. There are in essence three types of member, these are: Basic Registrant (free), Member (paid-up networking member), and Corporate (normally a legal entity subscribing annually for advertising purposes). At any one time an individual member can elect to be either In Business or Job Seeking. To be a fully paid-up Member an individual must elect to become either an Annual or Life Member. No category of membership infers nor guarantees that an individual will be contacted and/or employed through his/her membership of The List. The List shall have no commercial or legal or any other liability for any direct or indirect loss, damage, costs, expenses, or claims (including, but not limited to negligence) or otherwise arising from Corporate Membership.
  3. Definition of Life Membership: The List is a recruitment and business networking organisation applicable to those still in the workplace. Life Membership is therefore defined, confined, and limited to be up until normal retirement age or when an individual elects to retire. After formal retirement, a Life Member may be granted Fellowship Membership if appropriate. Life membership is not refundable.
  4. Members will have access to areas of the site that are not available to Basic Registrants; these will include the main membership database, the job board and certain discounted services and products.
  5. Members Obligation: (to be read in conjunction with The List’s Recruitment Terms and Definitions): Should a Member be Introduced to a Client (as defined in the Recruitment Terms) by The List for possible Engagement by a Client, the Member has an immediate obligation to inform The List of any direct or subsequent approach by that Client (including its employees, agents or 3rd parties) to the Member for a period of up to 24 months from the date of the first Introduction.


  1. The cost of life membership is a one-off charge of £50 (+ VAT). Annual Membership is £30 (+ VAT). These fees can be abated from time to time.
  2. Payment can be made online or by invoice
  3. When you purchase online you are authorising a debit/charge to your account.
  4. Promotional offers on fees will at times be made available to new and existing Members.

Our Rights:

  1. An individual member, Corporate Member, enterprise or other organisation who contravenes these General Terms, the 'spirit' of The List, brings The List or the UK Armed Forces into disrepute or is perceived as acting against the interests and for the good of The List or the UK Armed Forces will be expunged from the database and will have his/her access removed from The List; no refund of fees will be made. Members belonging to an organisation or enterprise that acts in such a way will also be expunged from the database.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity:

  1. The List is committed to achieving a working environment which provides equality of opportunity and freedom from unlawful discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, pregnancy and maternity, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment, disability, religion or beliefs, age or sexual orientation. The List will always address and remove unfair and discriminatory practices within the Company, by its Members acting individually and especially in all our dealings with recruitment applicants and candidates for employment.  The List will provide a service that does not discriminate against its clients and customers in the means by which they can access the services supplied by The List. The List maintains that all employees and clients are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity.  All written, electronic and verbal communications by and with The List will adhere to this Equal Opportunities and Diversity statement at all times; it should be assumed as a given. 

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking:

  1. The List is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or our supply chains.  The Company undertakes due diligence when engaging  new suppliers, and regularly reviews its existing suppliers. The Company’s due diligence process includes building long-standing relationships with suppliers and making clear our expectations of business partners.  We evaluate modern slavery and human trafficking risks of each new supplier and are prepared to invoke sanctions against suppliers that fail to adhere to best practice in this regard.  We actively encourage List staff and Members to identify such risks to The Company.

Force Majeure:

  1. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions a "Force Majeure Event" means any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of The List, without limitation: any strike, lock-out or other form of industrial action; lack, interruption or failure of any utility service, or lack of available facilities; the deliberate, targeted and complete interruption, total disruption or destruction of business resulting from cyber-attack; non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors; collapse of buildings, fire, explosion, accident, acts of God, storm, flood, drought, earthquake, epidemic, pandemic or other natural physical disaster; terrorist attack; civil commotion or riots; war, civil war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom, any law or any action taken by a government or public authority (including without limitation imposing an export or import restriction, quota or prohibition or failing to grant a necessary license or consent)
  2. If any Force Majeure Event occurs in relation to The List which affects or may affect the performance of The List’s obligations under these Terms, it shall forthwith notify the effected other party or parties (which could include the complete Membership of The List) as to the nature and extent of the circumstances in question and use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure Event on the performance of its obligation
  3. Provided that it has complied with paragraph 20 The List shall not be deemed to be in breach of these Terms or shall otherwise be liable to other by reason of any delay in performance or the non-performance of any of its obligations which may be prevented, hindered or delayed by a Force Majeure Event of which it has notified the effected party or parties.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy and Commitment

The ESG policy of the Company is to ensure so far as it is applicable and reasonably practicable that its operations will be carried out with a commitment to:

  1. protecting and enhancing the environment by minimising negative impact and maximising positive impact on the environment;
  2. ensuring appropriate conduct towards, positive impact on and good relationships with employees, customers/clients, suppliers and the community in which it operates; and
  3. conduct its business with integrity and high standards of business ethics, through appropriate structures, systems, processes and procedures.

The ESG Commitment is a fundamental principle of the Company’s business.  Fulfilling the ESG Commitment is the responsibility of the Directors of the Company.

Privacy Policy. Use of Data and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018:
How The List will Manage and Control your Data:

By submitting your personal information, you consent to the use of your information as set out in this Statement.  We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This notice sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand how we will use your personal data and your rights in relation to your personal data.
This data is retained to enable The List to provide services to you and for you to derive full value of your Membership of The List. This data policy should be read in conjunction with The List’s General Terms.

Policy Detail:

  1. Personal data will be collected from you when you register online, maintain a List account, when you apply for advertised job opportunities and when you submit updated and new information. This is taken as your ongoing consent to The List holding your data. This personal data includes your name, email addresses and other personal information you have added to your List account, put on your CVs, cover letters or other routine correspondence with The List.
  2. The List operates two software systems on which it will record your data. The first is The List’s own database where Members details are captured and recorded and the second is a secure cloud-based software which is GDPR compliant – Invenias, the leading platform trusted by professionals responsible for executive search and strategic hiring.  If you are not a List Member and we are holding your data because we have had an email or other exchange with you, we will periodically ask you to renew your consent for us to retain data specifically held on Invenias software (para 2).
  3. The List is registered with the Information Commissioner (Registration No: Z1773062) and is committed to the principles of data protection. We will endeavour to ensure that your data and privacy is protected to the best of our ability in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully. Reasonable and appropriate measures are taken to ensure that your personal data (including the information in your CV) is protected from unauthorised access, unlawful destruction, and improper use. However, you are reminded that the Internet is not secure, and The List cannot and does not guarantee that the personal information you have submitted will not be intercepted by others and decrypted.
  4. No information provided by you through this site will be made available to third parties, without prior authority from you; however, your Registration and Membership on this site is your authority and consent to allow limited personal information on you to be viewed by other List members to enable the networking part of The List to function. You have full control over this limited information (which, for example, is similar to that which might appear on Linked In) through your management of your List account. It consists of the following and specifically excludes all contact information (ie. full residential, business and e-mail addresses, phone, and mobile numbers):
    • First and last names
    • Postal Town
    • County
    • Country
    • An overview of your military career
    • If you are an In-Business Member your present company name and position
  5. Initial networking contact with Members is made by a secure system which does not reveal contact information but relies on the recipient’s willingness to reply and in so doing reveal direct contact information to enable a networking exchange and dialogue.
  6. Additionally, List staff authorised by The List will have access to your data to enable them to deliver the full range of recruitment and business services.
  7. It is your personal responsibility to ensure that any personal information, provided by you, and appertaining to a third party (for example a referee listed on a CV) is provided with that third parties knowledge and agreement.
  8. The List is not responsible for the use of personal information by third parties once it has been accessed by that third party.
  9. It is your responsibility to ensure that personal information about you and your CV is accurate and kept up to date. If any of the information that you have provided changes, you are advised update your account on-line or by alerting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  10. Your personal data will be held so long as you remain eligible to be registered with The List and in accordance with your wishes. Should you wish to have your data expunged from the database you should alert This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. When you first register you will be asked to confirm that you agree and consent to The List holding your personal data indefinitely or until you instruct that the data be expunged from The List systems.
  11. Any attempt by a member to use the networking search facility for direct recruitment activity is not permitted. Networking e-mails between Members enabled through The List system are monitored to ensure the content is legal, appropriate and complies with the 'spirit' of The List and the account is being operated in accordance with this policy and our General Terms.
  12. Users are not permitted to use The List networking system to mass mailshot; in order to prevent this, a maximum of 10 people can be contacted in any one transmission or continuous logged-in session.
  13. The List website can contain links to other external websites. Members should note that The List is not responsible for the privacy practices of these external websites. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by The List website.
  14. As a recruitment business, The List - through the job board - acts as a conduit for external companies/job advertisers to place adverts to attract candidates. As a result of this, if and when you apply to a vacancy, your data will be captured by the external company/job advertisers who make use of The List. The List has no responsibility for the management and control of your data once it has been communicated in a job application by you. The exception to this is when an application is made for a job for which The List is the recruiting agent, when your data will be managed fully in accordance with the Privacy policy.
  15. As a Job Seeker you should expect to receive relevant Mailshots about job opportunities which may interest you. If you no longer wish to receive these Mailshots, you can change your Membership status from Job Seeker to In-Business and Mailshots will cease to be sent to you.
  16. Any updates made to our privacy policy will be detailed on the Stop Press tab of the website. We would advise you to check the Stop Press page when you visit The List website. The List does not use cookies on its website, however we cannot be responsible for external websites which can be accessed via The List website and their use of cookies. You are advised to read the privacy statement of each website before using it.

The Liquid List - the monthly networking meetings.

  1. The protection of personal information and data for those who attend the Liquid List is a matter of personal responsibility. Attendees are encouraged to freely exchange information but without there being a List or sponsor liability to safeguard that information. If an attendee chose to sign an attendance list with their name, email address and employment status, it will be taken as that attendee’s consent to have that specific information circulated to other attendees to enable follow-up networking. This is a fundamental premise of the modus-operandi of The Liquid List.
  2. Attendance at the Liquid List does not infer or guarantee eligibility for Membership of The List. The 'spirit' of The List operates and applies to all networking meetings.
  3. The practice of representing an individual 3rd party and distributing material - including business cards or CVs - on behalf of an absent 3rd party at a Liquid List is deemed to acting out with the 'spirit' of The List and in contravention of The List’s Privacy Policy and Statement.

Privacy and Use of Data: The List's PayPal Merchant Account:

  1. The List utilises PayPal as the website merchant account and as such all PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy. The List fully adheres to all administrative, technical, and physical measures to maintain the security and confidentiality of all PayPal data and information in accordance with The List’s account with PayPal. All debit and credit card information is managed by PayPal; The List has no sight or record of any financial information about its Members except redacted information provided by PayPal billing receipts. In the unlikely event of there being a security breach of The List website or systems that could result in the unauthorised disclosure of customer information, PayPal may take any other actions they deem necessary and/or require The List to provide PayPal with information related to any such breach.
  2. To provide the PayPal Services, certain information The List and PayPal collects may be required to be transferred to other entities by law. You acknowledge that according to legislation, such entities may be subject to laws, regulations, inquiries, investigations, or orders which may require the disclosure of information to the relevant authorities of the relevant country. Your use of the PayPal Services via The List constitutes your consent to our transfer of such information to provide you the PayPal Services.


The posting of fictitious/non-existent jobs or the deliberate misrepresentation of facts associated with information on The List website will render the perpetrator liable to the full forfeiture of all fees paid, the immediate withdrawal of all other posted vacancies and possible debarring from future use and, if deemed applicable, membership of The List.

Your Rights:

  1. You have the right to ask for a copy of your information held by The List.
  2. You have the right to require The List to correct any inaccuracies in your information or request that your information is expunged from The List database. This is requested by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  3. From time to time we expect these terms of conditions to be modified, we therefore advise that you re-visit this page occasionally to reacquaint yourself with the content.
  4. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about these terms of use and/or our privacy commitment, please contact the Data Protection Officer or Data Controller of The List direct to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (marked FAO Data Protection Officer or Data Controller) or formally through the registered office: Registered Office: The List (Global) Ltd, C/o 24 Warminster Road, Westbury, Wiltshire, UK. BA13 3PE. Registered in England No: 6847501
  5. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you believe your data has been processed in a way that does not comply with GDPR. You can do this via their website

Our Rights:

An individual member, Corporate Member, enterprise or other organisation who contravenes this Privacy Policy & Statement, the 'spirit' of The List, brings The List or the UK Armed Forces into disrepute or is perceived as acting against the interests and for the good of The List or the UK Armed Forces will be expunged from the database and will have his/her access removed from The List; no refund of fees will be made. Members belonging to an organisation or enterprise that acts in such a way will also be expunged from the database.