Our Jobs

Our main job board works by taking an electronic feed by sector and region from other job boards and additionally from some recruiters.  We then superimpose List jobs onto the board predominantly as Featured Jobs.  Should you not find suitable jobs of interest after a search, the job search panel will present you with a list of Specialist Job Boards aligned to the sector you searched on; it is always worth exploring these job boards as well. 

But note, and be aware, that we do not necessarily add all List jobs to the job board; some we work in confidence for clients.  It follows that unless you are a List Member and have an up to date CV lodged in your List account you might not be found and approached by List staff who will be searching for potential candidates based on your uploaded CV.

To see the full text of a job advert and to apply you must be logged into your List account.

Tips to Using The List Job Board:

  • The default search sector is Defence & Armed Forces as that is where we place all List jobs. 
  • If you have applied for a job through the job board and received no response our advice is to either apply for the job again or identify the advertiser in the panel of the job advert and then contact that organisation direct.
  • For those List jobs ie. ones that we are actively working on behalf of List clients, we do of course have full control and access to them and you should apply if they are still showing on the website; if you have applied and received no response from The List then please chase us ASP! 
  • Apart from visibility of the advert we have no ability to either interrogate or check the connections, amend obvious errors or contact the original advertiser for those jobs which are not specifically List jobs - we can only delete the job on their specific instruction.  Furthermore, we normally system-delete jobs if they are older than 3 months.
  • If, what appears to be, a dated job is still showing on our job board it is still worth applying and even if it proves to have been filled our advice is always to try and turn that dialogue into a networking opportunity with the employer or recruiter who posted the job; it is a yet another route into the job market – few recruiters would turn down the opportunity of receiving a CV!
  • If you apply for a role on the job board and it gives you a link to follow and that link either no longer works or the job has been taken down, please let us know as occasionally jobs are taken down by the advertiser and we are not informed.
  • If you have previously seen, or been altered to, a job and it is no longer showing on the website you should assume the job has been deleted by the advertiser and that it is no longer available. 

Job Search