Solutions for Employers, Recruiters and Corporate Members

Essentially our recruitment solutions fall into two categories; straight forward job advertisements on our job board and the more traditional search and selection options.

Job Advertising:

In our experience a simple and un-targeted job advert on a job board is only likely to attract the active job seeker – it is unlikely to be seen by employed talent who invariably are not actively searching or browsing for a new job.  Whilst there are many active job seekers on The List – the majority as they transition out of the Forces – those who are currently employed are not habitually looking at job boards.  If follows that to reach employed talent, particularly those who left the Services some time ago and now have an established second career in another sector, a client can only chance on our ‘tribal’ network spreading the word about a vacancy; the alternative is to turn to The List to make full use of our managed solutions and outcomes.  If in doubt about the value-add of a job advert for a role, or you want our professional advice on how best to market the role, you are advised to contact The List to discuss how to achieve the desired outcome.  If a client is convinced that a job advert will prove effective, and represent a return on investment, a client then uploads the detail through our Add a Vacancy tab.

Search & Selection Solutions:

Our extensive network of ex-UK Forces talent affords The List the reach and penetration to search for, approach, screen and present ex-military human capital well beyond the membership of The List wherever and whenever it is required.  Whilst our ‘sweet’ spot is ex-military talent we are equally adept, and experienced, in presenting those with such a background. 

Apart from acting as an intelligent supplier of talent we always strive to establish a bespoke and lasting relationship in which we can become a trusted and reliable brand ambassador and talent scout for a client, not only for a specific assignment but over time as well.  This sort of open partnering relationship, along with the mutual desire to sustain it, stems from exemplary and impressive service delivery; something you will always get from The List. 

We seek to adopt a partnering (special relationship) approach with clients to bring to bear our capability, experience and market position and knowledge to guarantee exemplary service delivery direct to a client through: shorter and timely supply chains; direct control over service delivery; avoidance of the use of subcontractors and intermediaries and a single point of contact and responsibility.  The List is also an established 1st and 2nd tier supplier to several clients serviced through separately negotiated, abated and preferential rates.

Although not fixed solutions our available options are essentially as follows:

  1. Managed Recruitment Solution Level 1: the production of a long-list of suitable candidates derived through extensive search and networking, refined through advanced candidate assessment and filtering.  Designed to cope with multiple hires for the same, or similar roles, and particularly where a client has a refined internal process for assessing all applicants to the business. 
  2. Managed Recruitment Solution Level 2: full search assignment to deliver an interviewed short-list to the client, including the provision of candidate video clips to assist an applicant’s candidacy and the clients initial sifting and decision-making.  More applicable to executive or singleton roles. 
  3. Contingent recruitment: normally only offered to clients when time is critical.
  4. Contractor services: all the above methods are used to source suitable talent for employment as contractors to which we apply a different charging regime based on a per day % levy of the day rate.
  5. Specific Needs – Bidding & Tendering:  We are experienced in providing essential talent and subject matter experts to support a client involved in a bidding process where they are carrying all the bidding costs and risk.  We can assist in providing talent evidence to support a tender.
  6. Specific Needs – Talent Pathways and Pipelines: We recognise that a business which is growing and expanding cannot afford to engage people all at the same time. We have considerable experience in creating a pool of talent (what we call the ‘keepnet’ approach) upon which a client can draw when the time is right; this can extend over a few months or a couple of years.
  7. Media & On-line Advertising: in support of any option as required

Routinely our fees for recruitment services are invariably some 20-40% cheaper than ‘industry norms’.

If you have a specific requirement you should contact The List to discuss how best we can support you with responsive and flexible solutions to your recruitment challenges. 

Corporate List Member  the generic term used to describe an employer or professional intermediary which formally recognises the value of The List and has undertaken to represent The List across the business for the purposes of business development and recruitment networking, client services and mutual reciprocity for the direct benefit of all parties.  Annual Corporate Membership is charged at £750 + VAT and brings with it significant reduction on recruitment fees along with access to bespoke advertising and other marketing/networking opportunities.  Specifically:

  • The opportunity to approach other List members and their businesses direct for B2B development purposes,
  • 25% off the price of job posting and abated mailshots,
  • MRS (executive search & selection) levels at the Corporate List member rate,
  • The opportunity for face to face business networking at Liquid Lists (LL) – The List’s monthly networking meetings,
  • The opportunity to approach individual List members as potential candidates for employment at LL,
  • The opportunity to display ‘discrete’ marketing material at LL (i.e. not large banners),
  • Formal 10-minute speaking/presentation slots at LL,
  • ‘Free’ recruitment from LL should the Member place somebody arising from a LL initial meeting/handshake,
  • Live logo on The List website in the featured employer area linking to the Member’s website plus a page of sales pitch about the Member’s business on The List website,
  • Other, mutually agreed, bespoke opportunities to focus on specific needs of the Member.
  • The Corporate member is in our mind as we go about List business; our entrepreneurial and innovative approach to potential opportunities and B2B networking could add to your value stream.

Please Contact Us to enquire further about Corporate Membership. 

Recruitment Solutions

Employers and recruiters are strongly advised to discuss their requirements to enable our highly experienced staff to advise on the optimum solutions and outcomes to add value to your requirements and meet your needs.  Our advice will always be impartial, seek to give you return on your investment and partner with you in offering a bespoke and tailored solution.  Please call The List on ++44 (0)845 388 1743 or alternatively e-mail us though the Contact Us button. 

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