The normal procedure is as follows: you upload the vacancy; if we don t have a financial agreement with us we will ask you to agree (a return e-mail is sufficient) to be invoiced for the job posting; we then authorise the vacancy and invoice you.  If your company operates a Purchase Order system you should either provide a PO number or attach the PO to the acceptance e-mail.

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The quick and easy way for a new Member to create a List account, or for an existing Member to upload an up-to-date CV into your account.

Are you a serving or former member of the UK Armed Forces?


CVs can be uploaded with .doc, .docx or .pdf file extensions.

.rtf files cannot be accepted on the system.

For new Members, the CV will be used to create an initial account which, once verified, will create a link to enable you to register and complete a full List account; you will not be able to apply for a job, or network, until you have done so.

For existing Members, provided the e-mail address you use above corresponds to that already recorded in your account, the new CV will be added to your account.

Additionally uploading a CV will be taken as your agreement to our data management policy and terms.