Posted Job Title Location Salary
08/12 LO WKPR SNCO, Ypres Coy GG, 1st Bn London Guards Hampshire £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


LO WKPR SNCO in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent

Selection Process

Please send all application to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candidate is …

08/12 NCO IC RRMT, Ypres Coy GG, 1st Bn London Guards Wales £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


NCO IC RRMT in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all application (CV and PPP) to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable…

08/12 LO WKPR SNCO, No 17 Coy COLDM GDS, 1st Bn London Guards North Yorkshire £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


LO WKPR SNCO in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candidat…

08/12 LO WKPR SNCO, No 17 Coy COLDM GDS, 1st Bn London Guards No 17 Coy COLD GDS, 1st Bn London Guards, 190 Hammersmith Road, London, W6 7DJ £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


LO WKPR SNCO in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- Advertisement may close early if a suitable applicant is …

08/12 NCO IC RRMT, No 17 Coy COLDM GDS, 1st Bn London Guards Dorset £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


NCO IC RRMT in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Desirable competencies

Dvr Lic Cat B&E

Selection Process

Please send all applications (CV and PPP) to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This adverti…

08/12 Platoon Sergeant, No 15 (Loos) Coy IG, 1st Bn London Guards Buckinghamshire £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


Platoon Sergeant in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec 

Essential competencies


Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable applicant is fo…

08/12 JAV Sect Comd, No 15 (Loos) Coy IG, 1st Bn London Guards Buckinghamshire £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


JAV Sect Comd in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

Anti Tank Sect Comd

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candi…

08/12 LO WKPR SNCO, No 15 (Loos) Coy IG, 1st Bn London Guards South Yorkshire £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


LO WKPR SNCO in Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or Equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable c…

07/12 RDC SNCO, HQ (Arras)Coy, 1st Bn London Guards UK Wide £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements



Please contact RCMO 1 London Gds for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

07/12 RRMT SGT, HQ (Arras) Coy, 1st Bn London Guards London £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


RRMT Sgt in HQ Coy

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Selection Process

Please send all applications (CV and PPP) to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable applicant is found.…

07/12 Master Chef, HQ (Arras) Coy, 1st Bn London Guards London £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


Master Chef in HQ (Arras) Coy

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

Chef Cl1

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This post will be closed early if a suitable candidate is found.

07/12 Stores Sgt, HQ Coy, 1st Bn London Guards HQ Coy, 1st Bn London Guards, 4 Flodden Road, Camberwell, London, SE5 9LL £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


Stores Sergeant in HQ Coy

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candidate is found…

07/12 Sig Sgt, HQ (Arras) Coy, 1st Bn London Guards Berkshire £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


Signals Sergeant in HQ (Arras) Coy

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Desirable competencies

Inf Regt Cv Sgt

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertise…

07/12 CMT SNCO, HQ (Arras) Coy, 1st Bn London Guards Cumbria £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


CMT SNCO in a HQ (Arras) Coy

Please contact RCMO 1 London Gds for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Desirable competencies

Dvr Lic Cat C

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This advertisemen…

07/12 CSM, HQ Coy, 1st Bn London Guards HQ Coy IG, 1st Bn London Guards, 4 Flodden Road, Camberwell, London, SE5 9LL £48,819 - £56,858

Task requirements


CSM in a HQ Coy

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC, all Arms CQMS course or equivalent

Selection Process

Please send all applications to RCMO 1 London Guards

Additional information

- Must be able to attend training nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- This post will be closed early if a suitable can…

07/12 Mortar Sect Comd, G (Messines) Coy SG, 1st Bn London Guards Hampshire £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


Mortar Section Comd (SNCO) in a Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

Mortar Pl Comd TA or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all application to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- Must be able to attend Drill nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- This advertisement may close early…

07/12 Platoon Sgt, G (Messines) Coy, 1st Bn London Guards Hertfordshire £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


Platoon Sergeant in a Rifle Platoon.

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies


Selection Process

Please send all applications (CV and PPP) to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- Must be able to attend Drill nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candidate…

07/12 LO WKPR SNCO, G (Messines) Coy SG, 1st Bn London Guards Tyne and Wear £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


LO WKPR SNCO in a Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards fro JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all application to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- Must be able to attend Drill nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candidat…

07/12 LO WKPR SNCO, G (Messines) Coy SG, 1st Bn London Guards G (Messines) Coy SG, 1st Bn London Guards, 27 St John's Hill. Battersea, SW11 1TT £40,058 - £53,734

Task requirements


LO WKPR SNCO in a Rifle Company

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all application to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- Must be able to attend Drill nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT,

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable candidat…

07/12 RRMT SNCO, G (Messines) Coy SG, 1st Bn London Guards Dorset £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements


RRMT SNCO in a Rifle Company 

Please contact RCMO 1 London Guards for JobSpec

Essential competencies

PSBC or equivalent 

Selection Process

Please send all applications (CV and PPP) to RCMO 1 LONDON GDS

Additional information

- Resides/work in reasonable commutable distance from ARC.

- Must be able to attend Drill nights on Tuesday evening and planned AT.

- This advertisement may close early if a suitable…
