Posted Job Title Location Salary
23/11 106 Regt RA Comd Sigs 295 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £35,870

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Assist superiors, in the command and administration of their detachment.
2.Supervise and advise on the work of subordinate p…

23/11 106 Regt RA Comd Sigs 457 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £35,870

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Assist superiors, in the command and administration of their detachment.
2.Supervise and advise on the work of subordinate p…

23/11 106 Regt RA Comd Sigs 265 Bty Berkshire £23,496 - £35,870

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Assist superiors, in the command and administration of their detachment.
2.Supervise and advise on the work of subordinate p…

23/11 106 Regt RA Comd Sigs RHQ Unspecified £23,496 - £49,330

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Assist superiors, in the command and administration of their detachment.
2.Supervise and advise on the work of subordinate p…

23/11 106 Regt RA HVM LML Op 457 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £34,166

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Hold or prepared to become qualified as a HVM L2 Operator.
2.Assist in the execution of all training, Military, Technical an…

23/11 106 Regt RA HVM LML Op 295 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £34,166

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Hold or prepared to become qualified as a HVM L2 Operator.
2.Assist in the execution of all training, Military, Technical an…

23/11 106 Regt RA HVM LML Op 265 Bty London £23,496 - £34,166

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post,
requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT.
1.Hold or prepared to become qualified as a HVM L2 Operator.
2.Assist in the execution of all training, Military, Technical an…

23/11 106 Regt RA CMT Sgt Berkshire £40,058 - £49,330

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Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT

Position Role: Cbt Med Tech Cl 1 Det RAP


 Comd and Leadership in barracks, on training and on operati…

23/11 106 Regt RA QARANC Nurse Cornwall £35,718 - £49,330

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT


 Comd and Leadership in barracks, on training and on operations.Maintaining values and standards.Advising th…

23/11 106 Regt RA Mil Pers Admin 457 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £42,260

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT. Position Role: Senior and Junior Sub-Unit Admin. Responsibilities:      

1. Support the PSAO and civilian E1 with all aspe…

23/11 106 Regt RA Chef 457 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £53,734

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT. Position Role: Chef.

1. Advise, manage, organise and deliver the catering function in an operational and n…

23/11 106 Regt RA Chef 295 Bty Hampshire £23,496 - £53,734

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT. Position Role: Chef.

1. Advise, manage, organise and deliver the catering function in an operational and n…

23/11 106 Regt RA Chef 265 Bty Nottinghamshire £23,496 - £53,734

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Only post OFFICIAL MOD information that is deemed OFFICIAL as per JSP 440 Leaflet 4B.

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Minimum 27 RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, requires availability Tue drill nights, exercise weekends and ACT. Position Role: Chef.

1. Advise, manage, organise and deliver the catering function in an operational and n…

09/11 OR7 Spectrum Monitoring Dorset £44,966 - £53,734

Task requirements

To deploy and operate monitoring equipment as tasked to assist Defence in understanding its global use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) and be the senior Defence military spectrum monitoring SME providing advice on the application of spectrum monitoring to the DEMA SEO Monitoring Lead Engineer, DEMA EM Management Assistant Head, wider DD and Defence.

Responsibilities include:

Audit and assure Defence access to the EMS and provide monitoring SME guidance to D…

27/10 SASC WO MAB 3 West Midlands £48,819 - £56,858

Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: 60+ RSDs per year. Army Reserve post, supporting training events across the UK.

Position Role:  SASC WO


Advise the CO, XO and CoC on their responsibilities as Ex Director ref the Small Arms Safe System of Work IaW Pam 21.Act as an Asst SPO on occasions to support the SPO and ensure the Safety Documents in the Unit are at the satisfactory standard to work but also pass the Range Control Gross Error checks.As…

26/10 RO GLSE (LONDON) London £47,680 - £56,512

Task requirements

1.    The Recruitment Officer (RO) acts as the deputy for the Senior Recruitment Officer (SRO) and provides the tactical oversight and management of recruiting and outreach activity in a specific Area. Regular travel will be required to area AFCOs, Recruitment & Attraction (R&A) HQ and training establishments.
2.    Oversee and lead Area Recruitment staff. 
3.    Liaise with key stakeholders (e.g. OAC,…

11/10 Training Management Group Pipeline Accreditation Military Independent Assessment Authority (AE) - PO2 Somerset £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements

Details of Organisation/Business Directorate

The TMG is a collaborative construct to manage the delivery of the training outputs required by the RN.
•    Setting & communicating the strategy and direction for the training system, acting in accordance with policy & strategic priorities set by NCHQ.
•    Exercising governance & control over the training system to ensure that the RN's requirements are met and that resources are prioritised and deployed effe…

11/10 Training Management Group Pipeline Accreditation Military Independent Assessment Authority (WARFARE) Hampshire £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements

Details of Organisation/Business Directorate

The TMG is a collaborative construct to manage the delivery of the training outputs required by the RN.
•    Setting & communicating the strategy and direction for the training system, acting in accordance with policy & strategic priorities set by NCHQ.
•    Exercising governance & control over the training system to ensure that the RN's requirements are met and that resources are prioritised and deployed effe…

11/10 Training Management Group Pipeline Accreditation PO Hampshire £40,058 - £49,330

Task requirements

Details of Organisation/Business Directorate

Under the Selborne contract, the Contractor has responsibility for management of the training output for in scope training locations. 
The Authority has a need to establish a suitably resourced and empowered ‘customer’ function to manage the contract, coordinate and manage the provision of Authority enablers and dependencies, and hold the Contractor to account for the delivery of the in-scope training services to th…

11/10 106 Regt RA 295 Bty - Battery Captain Hampshire £47,680 - £56,512

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Task requirements

Domestic Considerations: Must have the availability to be contactable daily and be a regular attender.                                                                                             
1. Responsible for the mana…
